Saturday 17 January 2015


bacteria - red - microbiome
The microbiome is going to be the next most important thing in genetics. Already decades ago Joshua Lederberg pointed out the importance of characterizing the human microbiome, arguing that the Human Genome Project should have included microbiome sequencing since its very beginning. 

What's the microbiome? Microbiome is a term by which scientists identify the totality of the genetic sequences of the microorganisms harbored in the human body. So, the microbiome is made up by the genomes of all bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms which are hosted within the human body and on its skin. For the importance of its interactions with the human body, some are considering the microbiome like an additional organ of the body.

How many genes does the microbiome include? It has been estimated that the total number of genes of all the microorganisms harbored in the human body is about 3 millions (the human genes are about 20.000). Overall, about 1000 different species of microorganisms have been identified to compose the microbiome and it has been calculated that every persons harbors at least 170 species.

The hygiene hypothesis. Some authors are convinced that the microbiome can explain several human diseases, also beyond the chapter of infectivology, i.e. from autoimmunity to cancer. According to the hygiene hypothesis, many human disorders are caused by insufficient contact with microorganisms.

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